ModernTailor 100% Satisfaction Guarantee and Perfect Fit Policy
ModernTailor is committed to continuous improvement especially in terms of product and service quality. To give you an example, our production lead time is now just 5 days (average) compared to 14 days a few months ago. We have also improved our back office reporting system so that our managers are aware of the production stages of each item ordered. We have also increased our fabric collection to more than 1000 fabrics, sourcing fabrics from the best suppliers in Europe and China. However, online tailoring does not have the traditional "fitting sessions" which is the advantage with brick and mortar tailoring shops. Several online tailors, just like local tailors, would have their own tailoring styles. To address these process issues, we have created programs for our customers to get perfect fit:
19.95 Trial Shirt Policy - Moderntailor offers new customers the opportunity to try the service with 100% guarantee on fitting at the basic price of $19.95, shipping excluded. Our aim is to get a perfect fitting dress shirt profile which you can use for future orders. |
Replicate a Shirt Program - The best way to get a perfect fit profile is to send us a shirt which we can replicate. See Shipping Instructions |
Remake Policy - We acknowledge that there will be times that some customers will not be 100% satisfied with the garment. We guarantee that we will investigate each case carefully. If after investigation we have realized that the issue was caused by a gap in our process, we will remake the order of the customer for FREE. The customer does not need to return the item unless it is relevant in our investigation. |
Measure an Existing Garment - Please follow these guidelines for taking measurements of existing garments. |
All things considered, the savings you would make, after the initial trial and error process; the options and the flexibility of style, would be worth the investment in the long run. For more information on our service policies, please visit our FAQs.